Infrastructure Security in Google Cloud

The security of the infrastructure that runs your applications is one of the most important considerations in choosing a cloud vendor. Google Cloud’s approach to infrastructure security is unique. Google doesn’t rely on any single technology to secure its infrastructure. Rather, it has built security through progressive layers that deliver defense in depth. 

Defense in depth at scale

Infrastructure Security GCPSketchnote

End-to-end provenance and attestation

Google’s hardware infrastructure is custom-designed “from chip to chiller” to precisely meet specific requirements, including security. Google servers and software are designed for the sole purpose of providing Google services. These servers are custom built and don’t include unnecessary components like video cards or peripheral interconnects that can introduce vulnerabilities. The same goes for software, including low-level software and the server OS, which is a stripped-down, hardened version of Linux. 

Further, Google designed and included hardware specifically for security. Titan, for example, is​​ a purpose-built chip to establish a hardware root of trust for both machines and peripherals in cloud infrastructure. Google also built custom network hardware and software to improve performance and security. This all rolls up to Google’s custom data center designs, which includes multiple layers of physical and logical protection.

Tracking provenance from the bottom of this hardware stack to the top enables Google to control the underpinnings of its security posture. This helps Google greatly reduce the “vendor in the middle problem”; if a vulnerability is found, steps can be immediately taken to develop and roll out a fix. This level of control results in greatly reduced exposure for both Google Cloud and its customers.

That was a bird’s eye view of Google Cloud infrastructure security and some services that help protect your infrastructure in Google Cloud. For a more in-depth look into this topic check out the whitepaper.  

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