How to sustainably transform while minimizing risk

In this post, Google will look at the endgame: sustainable transformation into an organization that continually adapts to maximize its resilience while reducing risk. Where will my customers be with the evolving global community landscape? How can I design communities and products with sustainability in mind? Are my assets exposed to physical climate risk — drought, flood, wildfire? Adaptation and resilience are the board and legislative focus areas that the ambition loops created by Google Cloud Ready – Sustainability seek to accelerate. 

This is especially important due to the scrutiny of governments and financial institutions as they evaluate the viability of physical asset investments. These organizations want assurances that their investments will not be under undue environmental risk. Similarly, companies embarking on net-zero transitions can realize interest expense savings by providing the measurable, accountable assurances their financiers demand.

Leveraging analytics for climate and business resilience

Google have said it before, but it bears repeating: The Google Cloud Ready – Sustainability program challenges the notion that sustainability is just a nice-to-have or merely good PR. Rather, we designed the program to help organizations adapt to a net-zero future with solutions that reduce risk, support growth, provide competitive advantages, and positively impact the bottom line. The following partners provide data and analytics that offer deep insights into the environment, natural resources, and social trends that point the way toward sustainable, profitable growth. 

Atlas AI has built a geospatial artificial intelligence platform that helps every organization anticipate changing societal conditions — where people live, where wealth and poverty are concentrated, how the physical makeup of communities is evolving, and more — to determine where to invest today to prepare for the world of tomorrow. Atlas AI customers, which range from the World Bank and global NGOs to multinational corporations, use the platform to accelerate growth, future-proof supply chains, target resources to vulnerable populations, and build greater resilience to climate change.  

Climate Engine’s SpatiaFi solution, powered by Google Cloud, helps financial services organizations connect economic assets to the world of Earth observation data supporting regulatory reporting, climate risk reduction, and new innovative sustainable finance offerings. Combining billions of planetary observations with peer-reviewed scientific methods, SpatiaFi is connecting Earth science to operational systems offering new levels of accuracy, transparency, scalability, and trust in climate and sustainability data in the context of financial decision-making.

Kumi Analytics‘ KACSAT solution was approved by OxCarbon as a methodology for the calculation and verification of voluntary carbon offsets in support of nature-based solutions. KACSAT leverages multiple satellite platforms and Google Earth Engine’s state-of-the-art processing tools to enable science-based carbon assessment aligned to the Oxford Offsetting Principles of environmental integrity, additionality, permanence, and achieving net-zero emissions. Environmental organizations, financial institutions, and corporations can now offset their carbon footprints through the reforestation and conservation of millions of hectares of forests — something that was previously limited due to the cost and time of validating high-quality forest projects.

Tensorflight revolutionizes property underwriting with AI. Its cutting-edge tool provides underwriters and insurers with access to rich and highly accurate datasets for commercial and residential properties, enabling them to create superior insurance products. As pioneers of the first property-inspection platform based on convolutional neural networks, Tensorflight’s advanced technology connects seamlessly via API and utilizes ground-level imagery, satellite, and aerial data. This unique approach enables the company to generate precise replacement costs and conduct more comprehensive risk assessments. By automating property inspections and enhancing underwriting accuracy, Tensorflight empowers insurance providers to plan for the future with pragmatic decision-making. With Tensorflight, the future of property underwriting is transformed, offering unparalleled insights, efficiency, and sustainability.

Are you ready for sustainability transformation?

Transforming into a net-zero organization means much more than building resilience to climate change, as important as that is. It also means finding the customers of the future, achieving ongoing energy savings, more sustainable resource usage, and improved transparency to regulatory institutions and consumers. Google Cloud Ready – Sustainability partners offer certified solutions that can help organizations get there.

Look for Google Cloud Ready – Sustainability validated solutions on the Google Cloud Partner Directory Listing, Google Cloud Ready Sustainability Partner Advantage page, and — if applicable — via the Google Cloud Marketplace. We hope to help customers better understand how these technologies can help them meet their ESG goals, find the right solutions for their particular challenges, and implement solutions faster. 

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