Get more insights out of your Google Search data with BigQuery

Many digital marketers and analysts use BigQuery to bring marketing data sources together, like Google Analytics and Google Ads, to uncover insights about their marketing campaigns and websites. Google are excited to dive deeper into a new type of connection that adds Google Search data into this mix. 

Earlier this year, Search Console announced bulk data exports, a new capability that allows users to export more Google Search data via BigQuery. This functionality allows you to analyze your search traffic in more detail, using BigQuery to run complex queries and create custom reports. 

To create an export, you’ll need to perform tasks on both Cloud Console and Search Console.

Intro to Search performance data

The Performance data exported to BigQuery has three metrics that show how your search traffic changes over time:

Each of those metrics can be analyzed for different dimensions. You can check how each of the queries, pages, countries, devices, or search appearances driving traffic to your website is performing. 

If you’d like to learn more about the data schema, check out the table guidelines and reference in the Search Console help center.  

Querying the data in BigQuery

If you need a little help to start querying the data, check the query guidelines and sample queries published in the help center, they can be handy to get up and running. Here’s one example, where we pull the USA mobile web queries in the last two weeks.

  sum(impressions) AS impressions,
  sum(clicks) AS clicks,
  sum(clicks) / sum(impressions) AS ctr,
  ((sum(sum_top_position) / sum(impressions)) + 1.0) AS avg_position
FROM searchconsole.searchdata_site_impression
WHERE search_type = 'WEB'
    AND country = 'usa'
    AND device = 'MOBILE'
    AND data_date between DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE(), INTERVAL 14 day) and CURRENT_DATE()
ORDER BY clicks
LIMIT 1000

Benefits of Bulk data exports

There are several benefits of exporting Search Console data to BigQuery:

Google hope that this solution will help you store, analyze, and visualize your Search data in a more effective and scalable way. If you want to try out the Search Console export in BigQuery, you’ll need a billing account to do so. You can sign up for a free trial and add your billing account to get started analyzing Search Console data.

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