Continued growth and success in the competitive logistics market

PT. Tiki Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir commonly known as JNE is one of the biggest express delivery and logistic companies in Indonesia, thanks to its network and scope of distribution area covering over 83,000 destinations including regencies, villages and outermost islands, with over 8,000 points of selling counters and employing over 50,000 employees throughout Indonesia. JNE partnered with Cloud Ace, a Google Cloud Managed Partner to faced challenges in scaling its operations and providing consistent service quality

JNE’s primary goal was to modernize its infrastructure, improve scalability, and enhance performance. The company sought solutions to optimize costs, ensure data security, and provide real-time notifications to customers.

Google Cloud Solutions
With Cloud Ace’s guidance, JNE implemented several Google Cloud solutions, including:
Google Maps API: For automating business processes, optimizing routes, and mapping branch locations.
Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM): For real-time notifications to customers.
Cloud SQL: For managing relational databases.
Compute Engine: For providing servers.
Cloud Storage (GCS): For secure data storage, including KYC data and proof of delivery images.

The implementation process was well-managed by Cloud Ace, with a focus on cost optimization and best practices for Google Maps API utilization. JNE observed significant improvements in database performance, reduced infrastructure setup time, and enhanced security.

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