Cloud Ace, Inc. Achieves the Work Transformation Partner Specialization in the Google Cloud Partner Advantage Program

3 August 2020
Cloud Ace, Inc.

Jakarta, Aug 2020, 3rd— PT Cloud Ace Integra today announced that it has achieved the Work Transformation Partner Specialization in the Google Cloud Partner Advantage Program. By earning the Partner Specialization, Cloud Ace, Inc. has proven their expertise and success in building customer solutions in the Work Transformation field using Google Cloud technology.

Specializations in the Google Cloud Partner Advantage Program are designed to provide Google Cloud customers with qualified partners that have demonstrated technical proficiency and proven success in specialized solutions and service areas.

Prior to the achievement of the ‘Work Transformation’ Specialization, Cloud Ace possessed already 8 different Google Cloud Partner Specializations. The group’s achievement of the new additional Partner Specialization is the result of a strong track record that Yoshidumi Information, Inc and 5 branches in Asia built up.

Yoshidumi Information’s president Harumichi Akita stated the following: 

“I feel deeply honored by the fact that the integration track record we build through daily hard work is being recognized and awarded with one of the first ‘Work Transformation’ Partner Specializations in Japan. As the recent Covid-19 situation greatly increases the importance of remote work, we are contributing to improve productivity by promoting and supporting the integration of G Suite and will continue to do so.”

The company president of Cloud Ace, Makoto Aoki, stated the following:

“I feel grateful and delighted having our domestic and international integration track record recognized as the Partner Specialization we received is in a field that is a global challenge. As remote work is greatly expanding due to the recent Covid-19 situation, work style reforms become an absolute necessity as it is the only way to continue and expand business in the age of Covid-19. This is not only restricted to remote work but also work transformation solutions that enable company internal and external collaboration as G Suite and Google Cloud provide and we want to focus even more on helping companies integrate these solutions.”

In the current times as the whole society is experiencing a work style reform, Cloud Ace sees this more than ever as an opportunity to develop and provide services that lead to realizing new work style reforms.

Cloud Ace Vietnam contributed to the achievement of the Specialization and the director, Pham Van Tuyen stated the following:

Being certified as a “Work Transformation Specialization Partner” is a great thing. Today, when the digital transformation wave is spreading around the world, especially in the COVID phase, companies are facing challenges of optimizing performance and enhancing collaboration both inside and outside the company. Present in six countries in Asia including Japan, Singapore, Indonesia, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, we hope to continue to bring the best work transformation solutions on Google Cloud’s platform, to help businesses succeed in the digital transformation.

<About Google Cloud Partner Specializations>

Specializations in the Google Cloud Partner Advantage Program certifies partners that have the technical expertise and track records in certain solutions and service areas. Google Cloud partners achieve Specializations by proving a high skill level and an abundance of experience regarding Google Cloud. 

About Partner Specializations

<Work Transformation – Service Introduction>

Services with an integration track record, no matter what company size or educational institution, etc.

  1. Work transformation consulting
  2. All-in-one start package for remote work
  3. ‘G Suite’ reselling & integration support 
  4. Selling ‘Google Meet Hardware’ for fast and effective video conferencing
  5. Selling ‘Chromebook’, a fast, secure and smart computer
  6. Selling the new collaboration tool ‘Jamboard’

*Please inquire about the details of each of the above services      

*Google Cloud, G Suite, Chromebook, Jamboard are trademarks of Google LLC

■ About Cloud Ace, Inc.

Headquarter: Japan, Tokyo, Chiyoda City, Otemachi 2-6-2, Nippon Bldg. 12F

Company president: Makoto Aoki


Business: Cloud Ace is a cloud integrator focusing exclusively on Google Cloud and providing one-stop services such as integration planning up to operation and maintenance.

As a Google Cloud Managed Service Provider, Cloud Ace provides technical support, consulting, system development and Google Cloud authorized training in 4 domestic locations and 5 overseas branches, answering the numerous DX needs of companies together with over 120 partners.

■ Inquiries

PT Cloud Ace Integra Sales and Marketing Department

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