30% Reduction in Infrastructure Costs With The Help Of Cloud Ace’s Customer Success Team

Edia Co.,Ltd.

Development Head Shoichi Yamazaki

Edia Co.,Ltd.(hereafter Edia) is a company that focuses on mobile content with the corporate vision “SMART MEDIA COMPANY”, and provides unique content filled with originality. With their expansion into fields such as comic, music and product sales, all the while further expanding their games business, they wished to solve issues during expansion with the help of Cloud Ace’s Customer Success Team.

Catalyst for reaching out to Cloud Ace’s Customer Success Team

In drawing up our budget and looking for ways to optimize our costs, we found that one of our long running game titles had a high running cost from Google Cloud.

We calculated ways to decrease running costs, including transitioning to another provider’s cloud. We found that we could expect a big cost saving if we migrated to another cloud provider, so we were beginning to think a transition was inevitable. However, since our company didn’t have any experience or knowledge on operating on that new cloud, we recognized there were risks in a migration, and feared that there would be service interruptions.

With these concerns in mind, we decided to try and internally lower costs on Google Cloud. However, it became apparent that we could not effectively lower them enough. We didn’t have much hope when we decided to contact Cloud Ace’s sales representative. There we found out that they had set up a Customer Success Team in June of 2020, and were told “let’s discuss this at a meeting, it’s probably doable”. That’s why we set up a meeting with them.

Impressions for the Customer Success team

We communicated our use of Google Cloud during the hearing, gave them our infrastructure plans, and asked for their input. However, since there wasn’t much time, we had to request them to “give us your proposal within this week”.

We received their proposal in 3 business days, and we were very surprised with their speediness. Unfortunately, their proposal would not produce enough cost savings.

As soon as we told them that, they organized another meeting. They went through each service that was incurring a cost, asking questions such as “what are you using this for?” “how much time do you estimate it will take for the system to recover from a backup?”. They then gave us a couple of proposals on the fly, and we were hopeful for the final proposal.

Issues that were resolved from talking with the Customer Success Team

For the final proposal, they presented a more detailed plan for cutting costs. They were able to significantly bring down infrastructure costs, making it similar to other cloud services. Additionally, there was no significant revision necessary to the operation of the system, so we were able to solve the issue of cost without incurring a huge risk.

Future considerations

For any future worries over Google Cloud, including cost optimization, we will first speak with Cloud Ace. Our trust toward them has increased significantly.

They also gave us a proposal on increasing the efficiency of our PaaS operation after the last meeting, so we plan on working on those areas as well.

Recommended use scenarios

Cloud Ace’s Customer Success Team helps a Google Cloud user achieve success. We will discuss a client’s end goal, and make suggestions or proposals on what path the client should pursue, as well as combining information and services to see how Cloud Ace can help.

We won’t stop at just providing development proposals and partner billing, but look for opportunities where they can provide assistance to clients. We will consider how a client can use Google Cloud in their business, as well as addressing concerns and challenges that a client may have. We support clients with the aim of having a long-term relationship.

We act as a central hub for connecting what clients want to do on Google Cloud with the methods for achieving those goals.

For clients who have learned to use Google Cloud on their own, as well as clients who are planning to implement Google Cloud internally, we recommend speaking with the Customer Success Team. They are a team that will work with you to achieve your goals.

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